Holistic & Restorative Yoga Class
90’ - 60€
Classic Hatha or Detox Yoga
90’ - 50€
2-4 Person Yoga or Meditation Clas
90’ - 120€
Meditation Class
60’ - 50€
Ancient Greek Symposium
120’ - 120€
One Day Retreat Full-Pass Free Combination Retreat
6 hours - 200€
4 Day Retreat Full-Pass Free Combination Retreat
24 hours - 400€
Ayurvedic Nutrition Session
70’ - 80€
Traditional Usui Reiki Session
45’-65’ - 80€
Traditional Usui Reiki Initiation Seminar Level 1,2 or 3
4-6 hours - 300€
Herbal Medicine Session
70’-80’ - 80€
45’-60’ - 90€
Bioresorance Session
60’ - Depend on device cost
Clinical Hypnotherapy
50’-60’ - 100€
Naturopathy Medicine Session
80’ - 120€
ΟΛΟΝ Greek Psychosomatic Therapy APD & Reborn
120’-150’ - 180€
Bach Remedies Session
45’ - 50€
Pythagorean Numerology
50’ - 100€
Counseling - Psychotherapy
45’ - 50€
Holistic & Restorative Yoga Class
90’ - 60€
Choose the services you want
Fill in the form with your selections
Quit Smoking – 3 Full Holistic Sessions
(Clinical Hypnosis, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Electro-acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Counseling, Medical & Holistic History)
Price: 180’ - 550€
Price: 180’ - 550€
Weight Loss & Detox – 4 Full Holistic Sessions
Detox Holistic Session – 1 Full Session
Anxiety Holistic Session – 3 Days Full Pass
Psychosomatic & Chronic Pain Relief – The Holistic Revolution 4 Health & Wellness